Medical Education Guide, Medical Consulting Group  
  • (866) 987 2001



Medicine is a practice that requires a balance of theoretical knowledge and the application of that knowledge. The Exernship Program provides students an opportunity to apply academic theory to an actual hospital setting. As an extern, the student would be able to expand their clinical experience by assisting in the provision of a wide variety of patient care activities under the direct supervision of a licensed Registered Doctor. We believe this program helps the students to gain confidence, knowledge, and real experience in a clinical setting that will facilitate the transition from the role of student to the role of profession.


Medical Education Guide, Medical Consulting Group

Full-Time Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

Part-Time Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

Geneva Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

Pediatric Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

Physical Therapy Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

OB/GYN Externship Program:

Students receive a full semester’s worth of credits and can go anywhere in the United States or world while working at a nonprofit or government agency of their choice

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